Making a difference
A look at one of our changemaking clients, Fresno County Medi-Cal
Five years ago, Bonnie Sinclair was an unmarried mother of a teenager and working as a caregiver when she learned she was pregnant.
The news came, however, at a time when she did not have health insurance.
“Being pregnant, I needed medical care, but in my financial situation, I couldn’t afford anything,” she says.
Fortunately, Sinclair’s insurance agent told her about Medi-Cal for low-income individuals and families and encouraged her to apply for the program.
“She figured things out based on my income,” says Sinclair. “She took my information and said, ‘This is what you qualify for.’”
Once Medi-Cal accepted her application, Sinclair was able to select a managed care plan under Anthem Blue Cross, which paid for her prenatal care to keep her and her baby healthy during her pregnancy.
“I got to have regular visits with the OB-GYN who took care of me throughout my pregnancy. I had blood tests, ultrasounds and medications as needed,” she says. “I was grateful to have the insurance because I was able to take care of myself and baby throughout.”
Sinclair gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Isla, on March 16, 2016, at Clovis Community Medical Center. But even before Isla’s birth, Sinclair took steps to make sure Isla would be covered under Medi-Cal after she was born.
“After the birth, Isla was able to get her regular check-ups and her vaccinations, and we’ve continued to see the same physician that she has seen since she was born,” says Sinclair. “And for months afterward, they cared for me and made sure that everything looked normal.
“Without Medi-Cal, I wouldn’t have been able to see the baby and listen to her heartbeat on a regular basis with the ultrasound,” she adds. “Going to the hospital would have been financially devastating, and obviously getting her care would also have been a financial impossibility.”
Today, Sinclair is married to her husband, Byron, and Isla is in kindergarten. And with Medi-Cal, the family has the health insurance needed to keep Isla healthy, she says.
“When I need medical care for her, I can take her without having to pay some extreme copay. I can take her to get her regular vaccinations and her flu shot, and I can’t wait for the COVID vaccine to be approved for her.
“We all deserve to be cared for and to live healthy lives and have access to health care,” Sinclair says. “So if you can get Medi-Cal, get it.”
Read the full publication here.

Marcar la diferencia
Hace cinco años, Bonnie Sinclair era madre soltera de un adolescente y trabajaba como cuidadora cuando se enteró de que estaba embarazada.
Sin embargo, la noticia llegó en un momento en que ella no tenía seguro médico.
“Al estar embarazada, necesitaba atención médica, pero en mi situación financiera, no podía pagar nada”, dice.
Afortunadamente, la agente de seguros de Sinclair le contó sobre Medi-Cal para personas y familias de bajos ingresos y la animó a postularse para el programa.
“Ella resolvió las cosas basándose en mis ingresos”, dice Sinclair. “Tomó mi información y dijo: ‘Esto es para lo que calificas’”.
Una vez que Medi-Cal aceptó su solicitud, Sinclair pudo seleccionar un plan de atención administrada de Anthem Blue Cross, que pagó la atención prenatal para mantenerla a ella y a su bebé sanos durante el embarazo.
“Pude tener visitas regulares con el obstetra-ginecólogo que me atendió durante todo el embarazo. Me hicieron análisis de sangre, ecografías y obtuve medicamentos cuando los necesitaba”, dice. “Agradecí tener el seguro porque pude cuidar de mí y del bebé en todo momento”.
Sinclair dio a luz a una niña sana, Isla, el 16 de marzo de 2016 en el Clovis Community Medical Center. Antes del nacimiento de Isla, Sinclair tomó medidas para asegurarse de que la niña tuviera cobertura de Medi-Cal después de su nacimiento.
“Después del parto, Isla pudo hacerse sus chequeos regulares y darse las vacunas, y seguimos viendo al mismo médico que la vio desde que nació”, dice Sinclair. “Durante meses después, me cuidaron y se aseguraron de que todo estuviera normal”.
“Sin Medi-Cal, no habría podido ver al bebé y escuchar los latidos de su corazón de forma regular con el ultrasonido”, agrega. “Ir al hospital habría sido devastador desde el punto de vista económico y, obviamente, económicamente tampoco hubiera podido brindarle atención a ella”.
Hoy, Sinclair está casada con su esposo, Byron, e Isla está en el jardín de infantes. Con Medi-Cal, la familia tiene el seguro médico necesario para mantener a Isla saludable.
“Cuando necesito atención médica para ella, puedo llevarla sin tener que pagar un copago extremo. Puedo llevarla para que reciba las vacunas regulares, así como la vacuna contra la gripe, y estoy a la espera de que se apruebe la vacuna COVID para ella”.
“Todos merecemos que nos cuiden, vivir una vida sana y tener acceso a la atención médica”, dice Sinclair. “Si puede obtener Medi-Cal, consígalo.”
Lea la publicación completa aquí.